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Where Can I Surrender My German Shepherd

If you cannot keep your dog, you can contact local animal shelters or humane societies to inquire about their surrender programs. Check with these organizations to determine if they have available space. 

Look for a German Shepherd-specific rescue organization in your area to find loving homes for your dog. Surrendering is a difficult decision, but it is a necessary step in addressing changing circumstances. 

Prioritizing your dog’s well-being, even if it means finding a new home, is crucial and should not be seen as a failure on your part.

7 Tips on How to Prepare My German Shepherd for Surrendering

To prepare your German Shepherd for their new home, be patient and understanding, provide them with the necessary time and space, and remember that you are doing your best for their well-being.

Here are some specific tips on how you can prepare your German Shepherd for surrender:

  • Spend time with your dog
  • Maintain a routine
  • Train your dog
  • Pack your dog’s things
  • Be honest with the shelter or rescue
  • Prepare yourself emotionally
  • Consider all options

Spend time with your dog

Before surrendering your dog, ensure you spend quality time with them to make them feel more comfortable and less anxious about the transition.

Maintain a routine

Maintaining your dog’s routine before surrendering can help reduce stress and facilitate a smoother transition.

Train your dog

Addressing behavioral issues in your dog before surrendering them can make them more adoptable and reduce the likelihood of their return.

Pack your dog’s things

Gather your dog’s essentials, such as food, toys, and bedding, to make them feel more at home in their new environment.

Be honest with the shelter or rescue 

Being transparent about your dog’s behavioral issues, medical history, and other relevant details is crucial for shelters or rescues to provide the best possible home for your pet.

Prepare yourself emotionally

The emotional impact of surrendering your dog is crucial, as it can be challenging. It’s important to understand that you’re doing what’s best for your dog and allow yourself time to grieve, without shame or guilt.

Consider all options

When considering surrendering your German Shepherd, it’s crucial to consider all options and ensure it’s the best decision for you and your dog. Shelters or rescues can provide support and prioritize your dog’s well-being while allowing you to focus on healing.

Things to Know Before Surrendering My German Shepherd

Here are some important things to know before you surrender your German Shepherd; 

Before surrendering your dog, research options and contact local animal shelters or humane societies. Research German Shepherd rescues in your area and provides information about your dog’s age, health, behavior, and reasons for surrendering. 

Be honest and prepared for a long application and interview process, as some shelters and rescues may require additional information.

After contacting a shelter or rescue, they may request an evaluation of your dog to ensure a good fit and assess its behavior and personality, as well as to assess the shelter’s suitability for your pet.

After an evaluation, the shelter or rescue will determine if your dog can be accepted into their program, and if accepted, you will need to sign a surrender form.

Surrendering your dog can be challenging but beneficial for everyone involved. Your German Shepherd will appreciate the time spent together and remember the happy times, and your dog will always love you. Remember to give your dog a good life.

Relying on a reputable shelter or rescue ensures your dog is well-cared for and placed in a loving home, ensuring a happy and healthy life, and you may even have the chance to stay in contact with your new family.

Giving up your dog does not make you a terrible owner. People must give up their dogs for a variety of reasons, so you shouldn’t feel bad or embarrassed about it.

If you’re worried about surrendering your German Shepherd, seek support from a local rescue or shelter, focus on your well-being, or seek help from friends, family, or mental health professionals. Online resources are available for those in need.

Ways to Find A Place to Surrender Your German Shepherd

Here are some ways to find a place to surrender your German Shepherd:

  • To locate a local animal shelter or rescue organization, search online or phone book.
  • If unsure, contact the local humane society or veterinarian. Provide dog information like age, health, and behavior, contact details, and any requested information. They may ask for a surrender form or questionnaire. 
  • Ask your veterinarian for recommendations.
  • Ask other German Shepherd owners for recommendations.
  • Search for a rescue or shelter that specializes in German Shepherds.
  • Contact breed-specific organizations, such as the German Shepherd Dog Club of America.

Places where I can Surrender My German Shepherd

There are several different places where you can surrender your German Shepherd. 

These include:

  • Your local animal shelter or humane society.
  • A rescue organization that specializes in German Shepherds
  • A private individual or family who is willing to adopt your dog.
  • A foster home that can temporarily care for your dog while a permanent home is found.

What to do After Surrendering My German Shepherd

Surrendering a dog is a difficult decision, but it doesn’t end your relationship with your dog. 

To make the process easier, consider the following steps; 

  • Bring your dog’s medical records, including any vaccination records.
  • Bring a favorite toy or blanket to help your dog feel comfortable.
  • Write down any important information about your dog’s personality and behavior.
  • Ask any questions you may have about the surrender process.
  • Stay calm and positive – your dog will sense your emotions.
  • To ensure a successful adoption, it’s crucial to seek information from the shelter or rescue, and also seek updates on your dog post-adoption.
  • Your dog will always love you, and the memories and bonds you shared will never be forgotten. You have done your best for your dog, and that’s all anyone can ask for.

Next Post: How Long Can A German Shepherd Run?

What is the Emotional Impact of Surrendering A Dog, and How to Cope?

After surrendering your dog, you may experience emotions like sadness, guilt, and relief. Grieving is normal, and you may find comfort in knowing your dog is in a good place and you can still be a part of their life.

Surrendering your German Shepherd can be a challenging process, but resources like online and in-person support groups and talking to an understanding person can be beneficial.

During this challenging time, be kind to yourself, allow for grieving, and take time to heal, as you’ve given your dog a loving home and a chance at happiness.

Create a memory book, photo album, letter, or tree to remember your dog and the bond you shared. Surrendering your German Shepherd may be challenging, but it’s an opportunity to reflect on the love and companionship you shared.

After grieving and healing, consider adopting another dog as a rewarding experience to fill the void left by your previous one and provide a sense of fulfillment.

Frequently Asked Questions About Where Can I Surrender My German Shepherd

Can I Rehome My German Shepherd? 

Rehoming a dog is a viable option, but it requires screening potential adopters, requesting references, and a home visit. Adoption fees cover care costs and emotional impact. 

If rehoming isn’t possible, consider local rescue groups or shelters, to ensure a loving home. Surrendering a dog to a rescue or shelter is no shame, as it’s important to be honest about the dog’s needs and behavior.

Is There a Cost Associated with Surrendering A German Shepherd?

The cost of surrendering a German Shepherd varies depending on the shelter or rescue organization, with some charging a fee and others not. It’s advisable to consult the organization for specific policies.

Will I be able to Visit My German Shepherd after Surrendering them?

The policy of a shelter or rescue organization can vary, with some allowing former owners to visit their pets, while others do not. It’s crucial to consult the organization’s policies and check if they offer updates on your dog’s progress post-adoption.

Will the Shelter or Rescue be able to tell me if My German Shepherd has been Adopted?

Shelters and rescues often provide updates on a dog’s status after surrender, including adoption status and adjustment to their new home. It’s recommended to check with the organization you’re working with for more information.

How long does it typically take for a German Shepherd to be Adopted after being Surrendered?

Adoption time for a German Shepherd can vary significantly, depending on factors like age, health, and behavior. Some dogs may be adopted quickly, while others may take longer. The shelter or rescue you work with should provide an estimate of the adoption time for your dog.

Should I Surrender My German Shepherd to a Shelter or a Rescue?

The decision to surrender your dog to a shelter or rescue depends on factors like the shelter’s policies, available space, and care resources. 

Convenience and location are crucial factors to consider when visiting your dog. This is a personal choice that needs to be carefully thought through for you and your dog.

What should I do to Prepare My German Shepherd for Surrender?

To prepare your German Shepherd for surrender, ensure they are currently on vaccinations, medical care, and have been spayed or neutered. Provide shelter or rescue with information about your dog’s behavior, medical history, and training. Bring favorite toys, food, and treats for a smooth transition.


Surrendering your German Shepherd can be a challenging decision, but it’s essential to research and choose the best option for you and your dog. 

Shelters and rescues provide a safe, loving environment for your dog, ensuring their well-being and happiness. 

Celebrating your decision and finding a new home that provides the care your dog deserves is crucial. Gaining knowledge about surrendering helps prioritize your well-being.


  • Rob

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